We're redoing our look!

We will be back soon ♥

in the meantime if you want you can find out

The company

Who we are, what we do, research and development, tailor-made

Our technologies


Raw materials

Constitutional waters, plant extracts and lipo, oils and butters

Or stay in touch with us

    Azienda certificata ISO 9001 

    Azienda certificata ISO 14001

    certificata iso 14001

    Macrofarm s.r.l.
    Via Pietro Bucci c/o Dipartimento di Farmacia e SSN
    Università della Calabria

    87036 Rende (CS)

    Tel: +39 0984 493038
    E-mail: info@macrofarmsrl.com

    P. IVA 03100950785

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