Macrofarm, following the principles of sustainable development, has obtained with great satisfaction the certification of organic producer of raw materials and semi-finished products in the field of cosmetics by the Ente Suolo e Salute.

The increasing use of products derived from organic agriculture and the commitment to carry out processing and production related to the concept of “Green Chemistry” have developed in the company the need to obtain a certification that values these principles. The choice of the Agency, strongly rooted in the agri-food world, was not accidental but dictated by the desire to emphasize the choice to use high-quality plant matrices made in Italy, privileging, where possible, small local producers with whom to dialogue in order to implement certified quality paths.

For Macrofarm, therefore, producing in an “organic” way meant not only satisfying a growing market share, but above all adopting procedures and rules defined by a disciplinary careful of the production method but especially the chain and the choice of ingredients.